Problem solving
Is a Neighbourhood Plan (NP) right for our community and our area?
NPs can be powerful tools, because the planning policies in them carry legal weight. When considering a planning application (for example - for new housing) in an area with an NP, Birmingham City Council must consider the NP’s relevant policies before deciding whether or not to give the go-ahead for development.
However, the power of an NP isn’t endless. It can’t address all of the issues local communities face. This is because NPs can only directly influence changes that relate to ‘land use planning’ - that is, developments that need planning permission.
NPs do not have any legal weight to address issues that are not related to land use planning, such as speeding or littering.
What constitutes land use planning - and what doesn’t - can be complex. To help, we have presented scenarios under several themes to show what an NP can and can’t legally influence.
By going through our list of scenarios, you will be in a better position to understand whether or not forming an NP is the right tool for you and your community.
Community aspirations
You can include non-land use planning matters - and solutions for them - in your NP. These are often referred to as community projects, actions or aspirations. They don’t carry legal weight, though, so the scope to realise them via a NP is limited.
If most or all of the issues you want to address fall into this category, then creating an NP probably isn’t the best route for you at this point in time.
“The Forum to: Raise awareness of the impact of paving over front gardens and to work with local residents to encourage the use of permeable materials and to provide advice and encouragement to plant front gardens with suitable trees and hedgerows”
- a ‘community action’ set out in the 3Bs Neighbourhood Plan to help mitigate the risk of local flooding; this is given alongside a policy specifying the use of sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS) in new developments that would have an impact on drainage.