Before you go ahead with your Neighbourhood Plan:
A checklist
Have you:
Checked what an NP can and can’t do?
Had initial conversations with your local community to understand which issues they would like to see addressed? This includes seeing whether anyone else is thinking about creating an NP and working together
Confirmed that some or all of these themes and issues can be tackled through Neighbourhood Planning policies?
Considered whether there are alternatives to Neighbourhood Planning that would better tackle the issues identified?
Weighed up the resource implications for undertaking the creation of an NP?
Spoken to the Neighbourhood Development and Support Unit within Birmingham City Council (BCC) to talk through your ideas and the support available - including from the BCC Planning team
Made contact with your local councillor to let them know what you’re doing. (You can use the ‘Who’s my councillor?’ tool on the BCC website to find them. NDSU is also happy to connect you)
Looked at the Locality Neighbourhood Planning Support website? This includes a step-by-step Neighbourhood Planning Roadmap to keep you on track.
If you’ve done all of the above and you think Neighbourhood Planning is the right tool for you and your community: excellent.
It’s time to move on to the Develop stage.
Through Neighbourhood Plans, communities are empowered to holistically address the future challenges of climate change, reduce flood risk and enhance biodiversity. They take ownership of the vision that they want to deliver, and work in partnership with others to deliver a happier, healthier and more beautiful environment” - Rebecca Clarke is Project Leader – Drainage in the Inclusive Growth Team at Birmingham City Council. She worked with the 3Bs Neighbourhood Planning Forum to include flood prevention measures in their Neighbourhood Plan.