Step 12: Implement

“Producing the Neighbourhood Plan really is just the beginning and it is important that they aren’t left on the shelf gathering dust” - Francis Shaw, Locality. 

When your Neighbourhood Plan (NP) is brought into force, the Neighbourhood Development and Support Unit (NDSU) and Planning department at Birmingham City Council (BCC) will work with you to ensure your wider community is fully aware of it and what it means for your area.

They will meet with you regularly to make sure your NP delivers in practice. You can read more about NDSU’s role in Neighbourhood Planning on the advice and guidance page.

Here are some ideas about implementing your NP and responding to planning applications for new development in your area.

It’s important to know that planners have many factors and planning policies to consider. Sometimes, their decisions may not fully align with your NP policies.

On the whole, though, your NP holds a lot of power and has the potential to make a big difference.


Step 11: Vote